
Before talking about Button, let's talk about Slot first.

Slot is a coordinate which is used to determine where the item will be placed in the menu. In BetterGUI, there are 2 ways to specify a slot:

  • position-x and position-y
  • slot

position-x and position-y

If you are comfortable with the grid layout, you can set the slot by specifying the X and Y coordinates.

Here are all coordinates in a 9x6 grid:

Coordinate Table


position-x: 1
position-y: 1


This is the easiest way to specify a slot. You can use the slot number directly.

Here are all slots in a 9x6 grid:

Slot Table


slot: 0

Multiple Slots

You can also specify multiple slots for an item. This is useful if you want to create a button that takes up more than one slot.

slot: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

If you want to specify a range of slots, you can use the range format (<first>-<last>).

slot: 0-8

If you want to go crazy and specify both a range and a list of slots, you can do that too.

slot: 0-8, 9, 17, 18-26