Requirement is one of the interesting parts of the plugin.
It is used when you want to check if the player meets some sort of requirements before doing anything (Check the level before opening the menu, etc).
There are many built-in types of requirements, which will be listed below. A developer can also make his own requirement type and register it to the plugin.
slot: 1
type: predicate
CLICK-REQUIREMENT: # Click Requirement
default: # Click type
permission: # Requirement set name
PERMISSION: # Here we are
- bettergui.test
- bettergui.test.1
fail-command: 'tell: &cYou don''t have the correct permission!'
COMMAND: 'tell: &a[v] You have the correct permission!'
NAME: '&8Permission test'
- 'To use this item, you need the'
- 'required permissions.'
- 'Otherwise, a configurable error'
- 'message will be displayed.'
ID: iron bars