Message Color

Basic Color

  • Some options that accepts a string can also support colors in that string
  • You can use colors to "colorize" the string. If you have been using other plugins that interact with messages and texts, you may be familiar with some color characters (&c, &b, etc) or a combination of color and transformation (&c&l, &b&o&l, etc).
  • Color codes
  • You can use &u to get the random color for the text

HEX Color

  • After the 5.0 update, BetterGUI now supports HEX color (the thing with 3 Red Green Blue values) in texts and messages.
  • You can use it by using the HEX format &#rrggbb (rr, gg and bb are the value of the red, green and blue channel of the color, from 00 to FF)
  • For example, &#FF0000 represents the red color. &#FF0000Hello World! will return the red Hello World!
  • HEX Color