requirement-set-name: # The name of the Requirement Set
requirement-1: value-1 # The first requirement
requirement-2: value-2 # The second requirement
requirement-3: value-3 # The third requirement
<requirement..>: <value..> # More requirements
success-action: # The actions when the requirements are met
- action1
- action2
- action3
fail-action: # The actions when the requirements are not met
- action1
- action2
- action3
slot: 1
type: predicate
CLICK-REQUIREMENT: # Click Requirement
default: # Click type
we-permission: # The name of the Requirement Set
permission: # The permission requirement
- bettergui.test
- bettergui.test.1
level: 10 # The level requirement
fail-command: "tell: &cYou don''t meet the requirements!"
success-command: "tell: &a[v] You passed the requirements!"
NAME: '&8Requirement Test'
- 'To use this item, you need to pass all requirements.'
- 'Otherwise, a configurable error'
- 'message will be displayed.'
ID: iron bars