
  • Requirement is one of the interesting parts of the plugin.
  • It is used when you want to check if the player meets some sort of requirements before doing anything (Check the level before opening the menu, etc).
  • There are many built-in types of requirements (Check the sidebar). A developer can also make his own requirement type and register it to the plugin.

What you see in the examples & set in your Menu is actually Requirement Set.

Make sure to check Requirement Set to understand how to correctly set requirements in your Menu (Particularly, how to set multiple requirements & set Actions when the requirements are met / failed to met).


  slot: 1
  type: predicate
  CLICK-REQUIREMENT: # Click Requirement
    default: # Click type
      we-permission: # The name of the Requirement set
        PERMISSION: # Here we are
        - bettergui.test
        - bettergui.test.1
        fail-command: "tell: &cYou don''t have the correct permission!"
    COMMAND: "tell: &a[v] You have the correct permission!"
    NAME: '&8Permission test'
      - 'To use this item, you need the'
      - 'required permissions.'
      - 'Otherwise, a configurable error'
      - 'message will be displayed.'
    ID: iron bars