Slot Grid

Let’s extend the concept of Slot to add more features to it.

Start with this simple menu

  menu-type: masked
  command: demo
  title: "&c&lDemo"
  rows: 6

  slot: 0-53
  id: emerald

Slot Demo 1 Slot Demo 1

You can see that I have set the slot to 0-53 which means that the demo-slot will be applied to all slots in the menu.

What if I want to use slot to specify a grid of slots, like a 3x3 grid in the middle of the menu?

Here is where I’ll introduce a new format for slot called Slot Grid.

slot: <x1>-<y1>-<x2>-<y2>

<x1> and <y1> are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the grid.

<x2> and <y2> are the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the grid.

For example, I can replicate the previous menu by using slot: 1-1-9-6.

  slot: 1-1-9-6
  id: emerald

Or I can make a 3x3 grid in the middle of the menu by using slot: 4-2-6-4.

  slot: 4-2-6-4
  id: emerald

Slot Demo 2 Slot Demo 2

Cool, right? But what if I want only the outer border of the grid?

You can put -o at the end of the slot to specify that you want the outer border of the grid.

  slot: 1-1-9-6-o
  id: emerald

Slot Demo 3 Slot Demo 3