Key-Value List Mask

This mask is similar to Button Paginated Mask, but you can specify a list of map-like values and display each of them as a Button.


  mask: key-value-list
  slot: <slot>
  cycle: <true/false>
  signal: <signal>
  value-update: 20
  viewer-update: 0
  - condition1
  - condition2
  - condition3
  - key1: value1
    key2: value2
    key3: value3
  - key1: value11
    key2: value12
    key3: value13
  - key1: value21
    key2: value22
    key3: value23


  • cycle: Whether the buttons should cycle when you reach the end of the page. If this is set to true, then when you reach the end of the page, it will go back to the first page. If this is set to false, then when you reach the end of the page, it will stop at the last page.
  • signal: The signal name used by actions to change the page.
  • viewer-condition: The list of Condition Requirement that the viewer must meet to see the button.
  • value: The list of map-like values
  • button: The Button to be displayed for each values.
  • value-update: The ticks to wait before the value list is refreshed.
  • viewer-update: The ticks to wait before the “passed” value list from the viewer view is refreshed.


  • next-page: <signal>: Changes the page to the next page.
  • previous-page: <signal>: Changes the page to the previous page.
  • set-page(<signal>): <page>: Changes the page to <page>.


  • On button, you can use a key to get the value from the value list by using the variable {key_<name>}
  • For examples: With this value list
- material: red_stained_glass_pane
  name: "Button 1"
- material: green_stained_glass_pane
  name: "Button 2"
  • You can use {key_material} to get the material part of the value
  • You can use {key_name} to get the name part of the value


# The paginated mask
  mask: key-value-list
  slot: 1-7
  cycle: false
  signal: demo-page-signal # This is the signal name used by actions to change the page.
  - material: red_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 1
  - material: green_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 2
  - material: blue_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 3
  - material: yellow_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 4
  - material: purple_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 5
  - material: orange_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 6
  - material: pink_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 7
  - material: black_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 8
  - material: white_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 9
  - material: gray_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 10
  - material: light_gray_stained_glass_pane
    name: Button 11
    id: "{key_material}"
    name: "&c&l{key_name}"

# The button to go to the previous page
  slot: 0
  id: arrow
  name: "&c&lPrevious"
  command: "previous-page: demo-page-signal" # The action to change the page

# The button to go to the next page
  slot: 8
  id: arrow
  name: "&a&lNext"
  command: "next-page: demo-page-signal" # The action to change the page

Key Value List 1 Key Value List 1